Toronto schedules public consultations for residents’ feedback on noise bylaw


Toronto is asking for residents’ feedback of its Noise Bylaw which was amended in 2019. Torontonians can share their input at a series of public consultations in September.

In Toronto, certain levels of noise are reasonable and reflect life in the densely populated city. The City’s Noise Bylaw balances the city’s vibrancy with the needs of residents and provides time restrictions and sound level limits for various types of noise.

Amendment of the bylaw in 2019 resulted in the introduction of sound level limits for amplified sound and motorcycles, enhancements to the noise exemption permit process and the introduction of a dedicated noise enforcement team with late night coverage.

This review aims to assess the bylaw amendments and consider potential refinements. Key focus areas for the review include:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of the current decibel limits and enforcement approach for amplified sound.
  • Enhancing the City’s response to excessive vehicle noise.
  • Strengthening noise enforcement and strategies for the proactive mitigation of noise issues.

The City also intends to respond to additional issues as part of the implementation review, including potential decibel limits for power devices (for example, leaf blowers and lawn mowers), regulations for waste collection noise and strengthening the noise exemption permit process.

Registration for the following in-person and virtual consultations is available on the eventbrite website:

General noise (for example, unreasonable and persistent noise, power device noise and noise from waste collection):
o In-person: Tuesday, September 12, Metro Hall, 55 John St., Room 308/309, 7 to 9 p.m.
o Virtual: Tuesday, September 19, 7 to 9 p.m.

Amplified sound (for example, music from bars):
o Virtual: Wednesday, September 13, 7 to 9 p.m.
o In-person: Thursday, September 21, Metro Hall, 55 John St., Room 308/309, 7 to 9 p.m.

Motor vehicle noise:
o Virtual: Monday, September 18, 7 to 9 p.m.

Construction noise (for example, condo developments and residential infill):
In-person: Wednesday, September 20, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Meeting Room 101, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The City has hired an independent acoustical engineering firm to provide a technical review of the bylaw and a firm to conduct broad public opinion research. This research and the public consultation feedback will be used to recommend refinements to the Noise Bylaw in a staff report expected at the Economic Community and Development Committee this fall.

More information is available on the City’s website.


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