Toronto opens new ‘Love Park’ on Queens Quay


Today, Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie officially opened the new Love Park (96 Queens Quay W.) along Toronto’s waterfront.

The new two-acre (8,100-square-metre) park creates an urban oasis and responds to the need of the growing population in the downtown core for flexible public space for residents, office workers and the thousands of tourists who visit the city’s central waterfront each year.

A large, shallow, heart-shaped pond adorns the centre of Love Park and is combined with existing and newly planted trees to create a tranquil area amongst the bustling city streets. A gently swirling pathway allows pedestrians to move through the park quickly or stroll and enjoy a calm respite amid nine bronze-cast Canadian animals.

The park also has moveable café-style tables and chairs sponsored by the Waterfront BIA as well as a drinking fountain. A off-leash area creates a fun space for dogs.

An international design competition for Love Park led to it being designed by CCxA (Sugar Beach, HTO Park, Berczy Park) in collaboration with gh3*. Ottawa funded the project in part through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).

Information on having a wedding at a City park is available on the City’s website.


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