Toronto mayoral by-election sees highest advance voter turnout in a single day


Advance voter turnout for the Toronto mayoral by-elected increased almost 12 per cent as well set a single-day record.

After six consecutive days, the advance vote period for Toronto’s by-election for mayor ended yesterday. From Thursday, June 8 to Tuesday, June 13, 129,745 eligible voters attended one of 50 advance voting locations across the city to vote. This is a 11.9 per cent increase from the 115,911 voters who chose to vote during eight days of advance voting in the October 2022 general municipal election.

Additionally yesterday (June 13), 38,621 eligible voters cast their ballots, which is the highest single day of advance voting since amalgamation, according to the city.

For this by-election, eligible voters were able to cast their ballot at any of the 50 advance voting locations between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. This option was unique to the advance vote for this by-election because there is only one race and therefore only one ballot at all locations.

The city says that on election day, Monday, June 26, 1,445 voting locations will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Eligible voters must bring identification that shows their name and qualifying Toronto address and their Voter Information Card (VIC) when they go to vote. If an eligible voter on the voters’ list does not receive a VIC by mail, they can visit MyVote ( to print a VIC or download a digital copy to their smartphone, which can be shown at the voting location, along with acceptable identification. A VIC is not required to vote.

Eligible voters who are not on the voters’ list can add their name to the list at their voting location on election day. Voters can search their address using MyVote ( to find their election day voting location.

Mail-in Voting packages are due tomorrow, Thursday, June 15 at noon. At this time, the best option is to hand deliver packages to one of the secure yellow drop boxes located in each ward. Packages received after the deadline will not be counted. A map of drop box locations is available on the Toronto Elections mail-in voting drop box locations webpage:


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