TN prisons’ product ‘Freedom’ to be sold at Police canteens


Police canteens in Tamil Nadu will soon have ‘Freedom’ products that are made in the jails of the state by prison inmates.

A recent order of the Tamil Nadu government said, “Presently, prison-made articles are being manufactured to a good standard and sold to the general public and at other sales outlets with marginal profit. Wages are paid to prisoners as well as profit. Further, the sales of good quality police uniform items and other items at a price, less than that of the price in the open market, will not only be beneficial to those uniformed personnel who purchase such products at the Tamil Nadu police canteen but also to the prison inmates who are employed in production of such goods in prison bazar.”

The prison inmates are making police uniforms, confectionaries, bed sheets, readymade garments, cold-pressing oils, and some other products. These prison inmates made items branded as ‘Freedom’ products which were till now available in prison bazaar outlets as well as petrol bunk outlets.

The products are priced much lesser than what is available in the open market and the profit from the sale is shared among the inmates and a percentage for the welfare of prisoners in jails.

Prison Bazars have been established in all prisons since December 8, 2013.



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