Speed camera data shows high degree of effectiveness in 80% of Toronto locations


Three years after the start of issuing tickets to speeding vehicles, evaluation data from Toronto’s Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) program shows how speed cameras have been effective in significantly reducing the number of people speeding and overall vehicle speeds.

An evaluation study conducted by researchers from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in collaboration with the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) analyzed speed and collision data from January 2020 to December 2022 at 204 locations that had an ASE device. Although data collection was affected by the pandemic, substantial data was collected during periods without stay-at-home orders or school closures.

The study shows that the proportion of people speeding in 30, 40 and 50 km/h speed limit zones dropped from approximately 60 per cent to 43, 51 to 30 and 58 to 36 per cent respectively when the devices were operational. This represents an overall 45 per cent reduction in the proportion of people speeding in areas with an ASE device.

The data also show the introduction of ASE devices reduced the operating speed of vehicles or the speed at which most vehicles travel in free-flowing conditions, helping to mitigate the potential risks associated with high-speed traffic. Vehicle operating speeds in 30, 40 and 50 km/h speed limit zones dropped from approximately 44 to 37, 50 to 44 and 63 to 60 km/h respectively when the devices were active. This represents an overall decrease of approximately seven km/h in vehicle operating speeds in areas with an ASE device.

The study also found the percentage of drivers exceeding the speed limit decreased at 80 per cent of locations with an ASE device. Excessive speeding – driving over the speed limit by 20 km/h or more – was also reduced by 87 per cent after the placement of an ASE device.

The City’s Automated Speed Enforcement program began operation in July 2020. Currently, there are 75 devices issuing tickets to speeding vehicles. All ASE devices are installed in Community Safety Zones. Sites are selected primarily based on data that indicate where speed and collision challenges exist. Each municipal ward has three ASE devices that capture and record images of vehicles travelling in excess of the posted speed limit.

ASE tickets do not incur any demerit points and do not affect a person’s driving record.

“The results of this study highlight the remarkable impact of Automated Speed Enforcement,” said Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie. “It’s gratifying to see that 80 per cent of the locations with an Automated Speed Enforcement device witnessed a decline in the percentage of drivers exceeding the speed limit.”


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