A Delhi court on Thursday framed charges against seven accused in the Kanjhawala hit-and-drag case in which a 20-year-old woman died on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1 after her scooty was hit by the car following which her clothes got entangled into the vehicle that went on to drag her for around 12 km, leading to her death.
Additional Sessions Judge Neeraj Gaur framed charges against Amit Khanna, Krishan, Manoj Mittal and Mithun, who were in the offending car, under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 302 (murder), 120 B (criminal conspiracy), 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence or giving false information to screen offender) and 212 (harbouring offender).
Three co-accused — Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Ankush and Deepak Khanna — have been discharged of the charge of criminal conspiracy but has been charged under IPC sections 182 (false information with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful power to the injury of another person), 34 (common intention), 201 and 212.
Amit has also been charged with negligent driving.
The sessions court has now listed the matter for formal framing of charges on August 14.
On July 17, the court had reserved its order on framing charges against the accused persons.
A metropolitan magistrate’s court had, in April, committed the case to the Court of Sessions for further proceedings.
The case was committed to the sessions court after cognisance of the chargesheet against them.
On April 13, the court took cognisance of the 800-page chargesheet against seven accused filed by the Delhi Police in the case.
Accused persons — Deepak Khanna (26) Amit Khanna (25), Krishan (27), Mithun (26) and Manoj Mittal were arrested by the police on January 2.
Two other co-accused, Ashutosh Bhardwaj and Ankush, were earlier given bail by the court. On May 13, court granted the relief to Deepak Khanna.
Amit Khanna and Bhardwaj were also booked in accordance with the Motor Vehicles Act’s rules.
According to the chargesheet, Amit Khanna, Krishan, Mithun and Mittal have been accused of murder.
“During the course of the investigation, seven men were arrested and upon its completion, a chargesheet of around 800 pages was prepared with around 120 witnesses,” Deputy Commissioner of Police, Harendra Singh, had earlier said.
The police had said: “On the basis of the material and evidence collected during the investigation, to the best of capabilities, sufficient material has come on record to prosecute the accused.”
Initially, the case was registered under Sections 279 and 304 of the IPC but later, police had added Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code to the matter.