Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday launched a hot air balloon safari in Pinjore town of Panchkula district, the gateway to Himachal Pradesh, in a bid to promote tourism.
“We have done unprecedented work in nine years to put Haryana on the tourism map,” Khattar told reporters after launching the balloon safari in the foothills of the Shivalik range.
“Today, taking another step forward, we launched a hot air balloon safari. Certainly, this initiative will not only give a new identity to the area but will also create employment opportunities,” the Chief Minister added.
Pinjore, located on the Chandigarh-Shimla national highway, is famous for the Mughal garden named the Yadavindra Gardens.
The land of Pinjore finds a mention in the Mahabharata. Adventure sports like paragliding, jet skiing, parasailing and trekking have already been introduced in Pinjore’s neighbouring hill station Morni.