Catering, pet grooming services among businesses required to have a license to operate in Brampton


A new business licensing by-law will require a number of establishments to have a license to operate in Brampton.

Officials said that Business Licensing By-Law 332-2013 has been replaced with Business Licensing By-Law 184-2023 “to better serve residents and businesses, and continue to ensure the safety and well-being of the community”.

As of November 1, the following businesses will be required to obtain an annual licence to operate in Brampton:

  • Outdoor storage facilities
  • Pet grooming
  • Caterers
  • Out-of-town car rental businesses

The new by-law also requires Vehicle Pound Facilities to ensure vehicle owners can access and obtain the release of the vehicle or its contents at the vehicle owner’s convenience and to permit alcohol to be served in Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) approved Places of Amusement.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to review the New Stationary Business Licensing by-law for a full list of the changes and to understand how they may be affected.


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