Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on Sunday said that the expansion work of Jodhpur airport was pending for the last 30 years but the issues have been solved and it will be expanded keeping in mind the needs of the next 25 years.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of the expansion work on October 5, said Shekhawat while talking to journalists in Jodhpur.
Noting the expansion work was pending for the last three decades, he said that success has been achieved in formulating a quadrilateral agreement, which has been signed between the state government, the Airports Authority, the municipal corporation, and the Indian Air Force.
The Airports Authority has received 37 acres from the IAF for the expansion of the airport, which will now be able to accommodate 12 aircraft and a budget of Rs 307 crore has been approved for the new terminal building and expansion work.