Rashtriya Lok Dal on Friday demanded President’s rule in the strife-torn Manipur and a probe by a sitting SC judge in the incidents of violence in the state.
RLD National Spokesman Anil Dubey said that they have also handed over a memorandum addressed to President Draupadi Murmu through district officials.
The party in its memorandum demanded that the government of Manipur be dissolved with immediate effect and President’s rule be imposed.
It also further sought that a committee led by a sitting Supreme Court judge be constituted for an impartial inquiry into the ethnic violence raging in Manipur.
It demanded that the President’s intervention against atrocities against women, tribals, Dalits, and the poor in Manipur and to ensure compensation to the families of those killed in the violence that began in May.
RLD Spokesman Anil Dubey also alleged that the Centre and Manipur government have been mute spectators to the violence which has created tension in the entire north-eastern region.
He said the “unfortunate and barbaric” incidents in Manipur and the incident involving women is a shame for humanity.